Online Clinical Psychology with

Dr Katie Kjelsaas

Helping you achieve

meaningful connections

with new ideas,

parts of yourself,

and people that matter to you.

About Katie

D Psych (Clinical) B Psy Sci (Hons I) BA BEd MAPS

Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor with the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT), Canada. Board Approved Clinical Supervisor (AHPRA), Australia.

Katie is passionate about helping her clients achieve meaningful connections, whether with new ideas, parts of themselves or the people that matter to them.

As a clinical psychologist, Katie enjoys working with couples, families and individuals. Katie also works with businesses and business leaders to enhance communication and collaboration in their teams and partnerships. As a person of faith, Katie is able to work with ministers, pastors or lay people who wish to explore spiritual issues or themes.

Katie is committed to the use of evidence-based treatments within a positive, collaborative framework. She works with her clients to understand their fundamental needs and develop appropriate action to see these needs met. Therapy is shaped by clients' goals and Katie is dedicated in supporting her clients to achieve these.

Katie is an ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist and uses EFT as her main treatment modality for individuals and relationships. She also has training and experience in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Katie is passionate about mentoring and training other therapists and is an ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor as well as an AHPRA Approved Clinical Supervisor. She provides individual and group supervision and training for psychologists, therapists and other health professionals.

Katie has completed a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland. She is the recipient of the University Medal, APS Prize, McBride Psychology Prize and Tian P.S. Oei Clinical Research Prize for her academic and research work.

Her published research has examined gender stereotypes, social skills, occupational burnout and the impact of online social networking on mental health. Her clinical interest areas include supporting relationship adjustment during transition points (e.g. marriage, parenthood, career change, retirement); dynamics of sexual desire; self-efficacy, self-actualisation and post-traumatic growth.

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About Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is an attachment-oriented, experiential therapy formulated in the early 1980s by Dr Susan Johnson. ​Originally a model for intimate relationships, EFT has now expanded to include treatment methods for individuals and families too.

EFT asserts that as humans we have an inherent need to feel connected to important others. When securely connected, we can thrive. ​When disconnection threatens, we become distressed and often get caught in rigid patterns of emotion and behaviour: our best attempts ​to regain a sense of acceptance, belonging, comfort or safety. EFT seeks to understand these rigid, repetitive patterns, and - crucially - ​the deep fears and unmet needs that drive them. By helping clients see and step back from their negative cycles of interaction, EFT ​therapists invite and empower change: toward more secure, flexible patterns of reaching and responding as well as stronger emotional ​bonds with those that matter, resulting in increased connection and decreased distress.

EFT is an evidence-based treatment, with strong empirical support. For couples, research shows that that 70-75% of couples who ​complete an EFT treatment move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements in relationship ​satisfaction. Studies also indicate that these gains are maintained over time.

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For Clients: Therapy with Katie


Katie provides online Emotionally Focused Therapy for intimate, family, personal and professional relationships (e.g., couples, families, friends, colleagues). She can support repair of relational injuries, relationship reconnection, relationship enhancement, sexual connection or marriage preparation.


Katie works online with individual adults requiring treatment for a range of presenting issues including depression, anxiety, relational distress, trauma-related distress, grief & loss, self-development and self-actualisation. She does not provide cognitive or neuropsychological assessment services.

Available Rebates

As Katie is a Medicare-registered Clinical Psychologist, considerable rebates are available for individual clients with an eligible Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP). A General Practitioner (GP) or psychiatrist may provide a MHTP for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. The current rebate for Clinical Psychology is $137.05 per session. Alternatively, for relationship therapy or individuals ineligible for a MHTP, rebates may be available through your private health insurance. Cover and waiting periods vary. Please enquire with your insurer.

Contact Katie for more information about individual or relationship therapy online (via Zoom).

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For Clients: Hold Me Tight Weekends

Looking to enhance your relationship? Longing for an opportunity to connect more deeply with your partner?

Katie and her colleague, Dr Cassy Shields (both ICEEFT certified emotionally focused therapists), offer in-person, intensive weekends in beautiful locations for ​couples who want to explore and strengthen their connection in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Gain a better understanding of romantic love, and the pivotal moves ​that shape relationships.
  • Better understand your partner's emotional responses and needs.
  • Describe and control relationship patterns that create pain and ​distance.
  • Shape positive moments of reaching and responding, creating and ​supporting a secure bond with your partner.

The Hold Me Tight Program was developed by Dr Sue Johnson, based ​on Emotionally Focused Therapy and her bestselling book, ‘Hold Me ​Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love’.

These weekends also make a wonderful gift for a wedding, anniversary ​or other special occasion.

For details on upcoming locations, dates and more information about ​the weekends, click here.

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For Referrers

Katie accepts:

  • Clients who self-refer
  • Medicare (Better Access) referrals
  • Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA) referrals

In order for a client to receive a Medicare or DVA rebate, Katie must be in receipt of a ​valid referral at the first session. For details on what constitutes a valid referral ​please see these resources (click to view):

Medicare Better Access Referral Requirements

DVA Referral Requirements

Katie can accept referrals via email.

Katie welcomes collaboration with referrers regarding their clients. If you would like ​to discuss a possible referral, please email Katie’s team to arrange this.

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For Therapists

Katie provides individual and group supervision and case consultation for psychologists, counselors, psychotherapists and other helping professionals, ​including GP registrars. Katie's approach to supervision is nurturing, collaborative, process-oriented and experiential. Supervision sessions can be conducted in ​person or online (via Zoom). CLICK HERE to be added to the mailing list for our Therapist’s newsletter, ELEVATE.

Individual Supervision

As an ICEEFT certified Emotionally Focused Supervisor, Katie offers case and process support to therapists working with relationships, individuals and families; ​as well as support toward certification in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Katie is also a board-approved clinical supervisor, able to offer AHPRA supervision for ​provisional psychologists and clinical psychology registrars.

To enquire about individual supervision, please email.

Group Supervision

Katie offers a range of in-person and online supervision groups each year on topics such as:

  • EFT: A Refuge and a Roadmap
  • Therapist as Instrument: Self of the Therapist and Self Care
  • A Block Is A Gift: Advanced Processes in EFT
  • EFIT: Deepening Client Experience
  • Safe Haven & Secure Base for Supervisors: Applying the ACES model (for EFT Supervisors only)

For details on Katie's upcoming supervision groups, see below or send Katie’s team an email.

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For Therapists: 2024 Supervision Groups

Commencing Monday 14 October 2024 5 - 6 pm AEST for six weeks

(Oct 14, 21, 28 & Nov 4, 11 + 25 NB excls 18 Nov)

Deepen your understanding of the EFT Model:

- Learn connections between stages and steps and how to move between ​them.

- Discover how the EFT Tango fits in and gives a template for session structure.

- Gain confidence in the safety of this model & let it carry you & your clients to ​good places.

- Explore individual (EFIT) and relational (EFT, EFFT) cases.

Using a mixture of teaching, video, experiences and discussion. Join us!

EFIT: Deepening Client Experience


Contact our team to join the waitlist for the next group (2025).

A group focused on Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy.

  • View tape of actual individual clients as they move through the EFIT ​process.
  • Get answers to your key EFIT assessment, formulation and intervention ​questions.
  • Practice key skills and interventions live with trusted colleagues.

Each session will address a key step in the EFIT model, combining teaching, ​video, experiential practice and discussion.

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Contact our team to join the waitlist for the next group (2025).

A group for people who wish to work at the leading edge of their EFT experience ​and knowledge. This group will focus on presentation of complex cases, atypical ​cycles and process blocks.

If you'd like to dive deeper into the intricacies of EFT process and explore these ​experientially, this is the group for you.

Bring your most challenging cases, questions and therapeutic moments. We'll lean ​in to these together.

A group in which we seek to create the safety to turn towards ourselves: ​Together we’ll examine how best to use our own human instruments in therapy ​to support our clients’ development of an integrated, secure sense of self. We’ll ​also consider the care we, as therapists, require and how best to create and ​protect space for rest, renewal and nourishment.

Each week, one group member will present a case (past or present) that ​challenged or is challenging them. We’ll explore, gently and respectfully, together.

EFTea & Sympathy

A warm, welcoming, monthly in-person group for therapists wanting to connect with peers and share growth and learning. This group will involve a mixture of tape review, case consultation, role play and teaching (plus tea!) There will be opportunities for group members to present and share or listen and observe, as they feel willing.

Hosted in Brisbane’s bayside, this group is free, on application. Please contact Katie to enquire about attendance at this group.

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New in 2025...

Safe Haven & Secure Base for Supervisors:

Applying the ACES model

EFT supervisors, supervisors-in-training and other board-​approved supervisors are welcome to join our waitlist for this ​group - CONTACT OUR TEAM to express your interest. Limited ​to 6 participants.

1 hour session each month. Day and time to be confirmed.

Minimum 3 month commitment required. $100 + GST per month.

A group for supervision of supervision.

Emotionally Focused Therapy provides a beautiful model of supervision which supports supervisors with a safe haven and secure base from which they can nurture ​and empower their supervisees.

This course will explore the four interdependent elements of this model (Alliance, Conceptualisation, Experiencing, Self of Therapist) and the creative and flexible ​ways to use them in supervision, through a mixture of didactic teaching, deliberate practice and supervision case reflection.

Come find your supervisory safe haven and secure base. All EFT supervisors, supervisors-in-training and other board-approved supervisors are welcome!

For Therapists: Training Opportunities

FREE WEBINAR: How to grow your therapy practice by ​supporting your clients to rebook


There are many elements to growing and maintaining a thriving practice. Not ​only do we expend a lot of energy and resources finding new clients, most ​often it is in the best interests of those clients to commit to ongoing ​sessions, so that they receive continuity of care, their challenges can be fully ​explored and we have the best opportunity to facilitate effective change.

In this webinar we'll be discussing how we can best serve our clients (and ​ourselves) in supporting them commit to ongoing therapy, either by booking ​several sessions ahead or by having them re-book at the end of a session.

I'll also be sharing a custom script to make these conversations with clients a ​natural extension of your service, within a framework of ethical best practice.



COST: $157 for the 2 hour training


FIRST SESSIONS are not often shown or talked about in therapy training, yet ​they’re so crucial to therapy success.

In this 2 hour training webinar, Katie will be lifting the veil on a first session for ​a couple in relationship therapy, sharing the process, step-by-step, from pre-​session preparation to planning with clients for further sessions, and ​everything in between.

This two-hour LIVE webinar will include:

• Details of Katie’s own plan and process for first relationship therapy sessions (and the important assessment sessions that follow)

• Excerpts from an actual first relationship therapy session, to demonstrate key teaching points

• A Q & A portion, during which you can get answers to your questions about first sessions in relationship therapy

• A downloadable Relationship Intake Template (as a PDF) which you can practice filling out during the webinar and later use in your

own relationship therapy sessions.

This webinar delivers a solid, ethical and evidence-based plan for first sessions in relationship therapy that allows you to build alliance, begin thorough assessment ​and prepare your clients well for the therapeutic process ahead. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

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Speaking, Consultation & Media

Katie is a passionate and engaging speaker. She speaks, teaches and consults in a range of settings, in person and online.

Katie offers transformational inservice training for teachers and school leaders, helping them leverage the power of emotional intelligence and attachment to ​achieve educational and relational outcomes.

Katie can also create a bespoke experience to meet your organisation’s specific needs.

Email Katie’s team to enquire about her speaking at your event or consulting to your organisation.

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